I welcome you to the website of the Municipality of Akamas, which aspires to be a means of informing the citizens and to provide useful information about our Municipality, cultural activities, development projects, the services of the Municipality and other useful information.
Together, citizens and municipal leaders, we will work for the Municipality of Akamas of tomorrow and I am sure that we will achieve our goals, which are none other than to improve the quality of life of our citizens, to transform our Municipality into a centre of education and culture and at the same time to achieve a promising future for all our citizens.

Ensuring that the development path is in balance with the human and environmental factors will bring about sustainability and improvement of the quality of life of the citizens and the standard of living in general. Our goal is to create a modern and contemporary city with active citizens, who respect each other and the institutions of the state in general and lay the foundations for the model city.

A new era is beginning for our Municipality. The era of change, of challenge and optimism. With a positive attitude and without a trace of complacency, we start working hard for a better tomorrow.
Our goal is with assertiveness, proper study, proper planning and constant monitoring to put all issues, big and small, on track for resolution. Only together can we create the necessary conditions and the necessary infrastructure so that we can rejoice in the achievements of progress in our municipality.
Good navigation!

Marinos Lambrou
Mayor of the Municipality of Akamas



Promotional Brochure of the City of Akamas